
Defining the stable household

More children who have gay parents than assumed?
Studies show that about nine million children in America have gay or lesbian parents. However, this number is likely a lot higher because many gays are afraid to reveal their orientation. That means a lot more kids that have to endure a damaged childhood than there is thought to be

Adoption Statistics
The section on this page that catches my attention most is 3. Factors in Adoption. It states that even in states that permit gay adoption, gay adoption will be scrutinized by the general public. Therefore, there is no safe place for a gay couple to adopt a child where their decision will be free from public disapproval. It also states that more often that not, gay parents "get harder children because social workers leave them last on the list." That implies that gay couples do not even have a say many times as to the child they want to adopt. If they are determined to have a child of their own, they must accept whoever it may be. The more desirable children will have been adopted by straight couples.

Learned from her mistake
This is a lesbian woman's confession on national television. Other gays and lesbians looking to adopt should take this woman's advice to heart. It's not that i'm a homophobe, but gay adoption deprives a child of a normal childhood, and that is wrong.

Here are some facts

 Children at risk with gay adoption
"A bill introduced in the Ohio Legislature this month would bar all adoptions and foster care by gays and lesbians. It is among efforts in at least 16 states to put into law the view that children should be cared for only by a mother and a father or by heterosexual singles"

This page shows that there is a growing consensus that it is a bad influence on a child to have two same sex parents. If only more states would adopt a law that children can only be cared for by heterosexual people, it would stop this bogus practice of gay couples traveling across the country to adopt children. It's ridiculous that gay couples travel that far to get a child they can't even care for

What goes on in a homosexual household??
This page calls attention to the fact that gay people might act "normal" in public, but no one knows how they act in the privacy of their own home. This kind of unusual relationship is not good for a child to be exposed to, for they will have a much tougher time of "fitting in". The site also states that there is higher rate of HIV/AIDS in homosexual people and a higher rate of suicide in homosexual males. All this makes for a dangerous equation for a child. Anyone who puts the needs of the child first should realize that being adopted by gay parents can only hurt a child.

Bad and Sad
"Children of gay couples are more likely to be confused about their own sexual identity, more likely to engage in homosexual relationships, and more likely to be promiscuous"
" I don't tell other kids about my mom. At school it kind of bothers me because when we play or tell stories, there's always a mom and a dad."

Do you want this to happen to your kid?

Almost every child with a gay parent or parents is bullied growing up.

Gay people are not normal 
Children need normal parents in order to blossom. Imagine this man and his partner taking care of a child

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